A birthday party. It means so many different things to so many different people. For adults, it is often forgotten (or attempted to be forgotten) because no one wants to admit they’re aging another year. Although, some would argue, it is better than the alternative. For grandparents, it’s a chance to give their favorite little people stuff. MORE stuff! For kids, it is the equivalent to their own Christmas. A celebration. Just. For. Them. What an amazing concept when you’re eight, right?! However, for parents, it is a stressor. Enjoyable? Yes. Fun? Yes. But stress? YES!
One day when talking to a friend about potentially hosting their child’s birthday party, they spoke some words that have remained with me every day since.
“I just want to see my child smile.”
What a simple request, right?
Of course it is, you think.
It’s the child’s birthday; there will definitely be smiles, laughs, games, stories and more. However, as the parent hosting the party, entertaining the guest, making sure the food is hot and the drinks are filed; will you be able to see those smiles? Today, one of the biggest struggles is missing priceless moments because we are busy, organizing, setting up, and the dreaded clean-up. We are more able to capture moments than ever before, but more likely to see moments through screens and not our own eyes. There is something authentic about seeing and hearing a child laugh or giggle when your own eyes and ears.
Yes, pictures are priceless because they capture the moment for a lifetime but moments cannot be relived; no matter how high the quality is. No hashtag or “like” will ever recreate the moment lived.
In today’s world there are so many opportunities to be present at your child’s party. And isn’t that the ultimate present after all. Allow us to celebrate your child. Take away your stress by setting up and cleaning up for you. Providing you the space (away from your home!) where your child can be celebrated. Where they can laugh. Giggle. And as always parents request, SMILE!

Parties are booked on Saturday and Sundays in 2 hour time slots.

Staff is fully CPR and First Aid certified, along with being put through a shadowing program where they watched, volunteers, and worked with party specialists. The ratio at all parties will be 10:1 (or better).

Party packages include 15 guests (plus the birthday child). Additional children are $10 each.

Food is provided by parents/family of party or can be purchased with an additional fee on the basic package. Any food is allowed, pizza may be delivered to the Jumpsterz location. Any food is allowed. We recommend the following locations; Chik-fil-a on University, Marco’s Pizza in Oviedo, or Chicken Salad Chick.

Parties can be themed (examples include but are not limited to, Ninja Warrior Party or Dodgeball party) and supplies can be provided to staff week of party. Staff will do complete set-up and clean up of decorations.
*Parties are 2 hours with 90 minutes in the party room for bouncing, contests, and games. Then 30 minutes in party room to celebrate birthday child.
*Specific requests for games, contests, activity are honored whenever possible if presented to Jumpsterz prior to the party.
*Shorter party times are available for younger or small groups of children.